Wednesday, September 1, 2010

kraker 330

It is so that time again. ALL of my boxes are unpacked-- to my past roommates, this is a HUGE accomplishment. I unpacked my last box for the 2009-2010 school year in May. What does this say about my personality? That I am afraid of committment? That I am lazy? OR that there really isn't a place for everything? None of the above.

The apartment is fantastic. It's a nice place with A/C and a dishwasher<- woah. I have an enormous closet and a brand new desk full of fresh paper and unsharpened pencils. It's going to be a good year.

Everything seems bittersweet. I am ready for a Grad program and NEW experiences. I will seriously miss all of the friendships that I have made at Hope College, but a new journey waits. Sometimes I think I am going to give up everything I have worked/paid for and just travel around the world and eat good food. We will see ;) I will miss the liberal arts school. I love learning. I am working to be a professional musician now, but my calling could change in five years. Sometimes I am called to be a minister- other times, to be a doctor or writer. The thing is... I can do whatever I want. I am 20, almost 21, years old! Two decades in one place is just like reading the back of a really big book.

To Kraker 330,
It will be a great 9/10 months. I will love you well and probably make a ding in one of your walls. You will conclude my experiences at Hope, BUT you will also hold many parties, late night conversations, foof jumpings, tears, giggles, delicious meals, and assignments. I hope you're up for the job.

Happy first week of classes.

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