Saturday, July 10, 2010

mood ring.

Mood rings... are cool. I purchased such an object today. The sales woman at the store quickly stated that she had only seen one color on each mood ring she sold. I shrugged her unwanted commentary off and splurged on a cheap ring. I assumed the ring would stay blue. Past experiences concluded that blue would dominate over the other colors. I was incredibly wrong. Throughout the evening the ring has varied between purple and a mix of all the colors. Apparently, I am a freak. I'm sure this is probably my tenth mood ring in my life, but I love watching it change colors as my body temperature rises and falls. It's just a piece of cheap plastic.

Mood rings bring me joy
You should probably get one
Go buy a cool ring

Red, Green, Yellow, Blue
Changing as your mood does too
Orange, Black, Purple


  1. this post just made me miss C8 a little more...

    favorite sentence: Apparently, I am a freak.

    ...that would be why people love you! :-P

  2. true it is just a piece of plastic
