Sunday, July 18, 2010

my little brother.

So... if my brother knew I was about to post something like this he might shoot me :) Too bad he is at boy scout camp this week and will NEVER know.

I was searching through our family desk today and found a paper written by my brother. It's really sweet and reminds me that he is growing up and not the little baby that I used to tease, torture, and love to death. He is becoming a young man- weird.

Written by James 6/3/08

Great-Granddad the Hero

A hero can be seen in many people from both now and the past. Donn Ashcroft was one person that I have look up to and admired. He is my great grandfather and I consider him to be my hero. He has supported me through thick and thin as I have grown up. My grandfather was a very hardworking person and was once a boy scout. A hero can sometimes be seen as someone famous, but my hero is someone in my family. Donn Ashcroft is my hero because of how he has pushed, and loved, me through the years.

My grandpa was born on May 21, 1914 in Wisteria, Michigan. He never had a lot of money, but always seemed to live well. His parents taught him how to work hard and be successful in all that he did. As a kid, we was in boy scouts. He made it all the way to an Eagle Scout. Becoming an eagle scout is a very high honor and he told me that he wants me to join the boy scouts and earn the same rank. He was very proud of my when I started boy scouts, and he couldn't wait for me to get my first class rank. He came to all of my court of honors and saw me get my medals. I have looked up to his standards and watched my hero become more and more proud as I grow. My grandpa was a very courageous boy scout and he has taught me to not be scared during camp outs.

A hero is a man admired by achievements and qualities. My grandpa did many things in his lifetime that I am very proud of. He wrote many stories for the newspaper and people were able to read them and see what he has done. He would give advice and people would write letters to the editor thanking Mr. Ashcroft for his thoughts. I look up to my grandpa and am proud to say that I am his grandson. He was the only person in my family to ever call me Jimmy Cedric. I am proud of him for caring for everyone in my family and taking care of each of us. I thanks him for always making sure that I am safe and cared for. I admire all of his achievements and qualities, which makes him my hero.

My grandpa is someone who could hardly walk her on earth, but he is now walking in heaven. He supported me in everything that I did. My great-grandpa always made sure that he came to some of my football games even though he could barely move. He would rent a special van for wheelchairs and come out to see me during the coldest of times. He had always pushed me to do my hardest at what I do. He taught me not what a man is, but how to be a man. A hero cares for people and wishes them the best. He was someone who could do anything he wanted. He used what he had and made the best out of everything. A hero cared for people and does whatever the can to help, and grandpa always did.

Before my grandpa's death, I headed to the hospital to see him. My older sister went to touch his hand and say good-bye, he was still quiet and didn't move. When I touched his hand to say good-bye, he perked up and started looking around for me. He stayed strong and fought to stay alive for a few more hours. It was hard to watch my grandpa suffer in a hospital, but his love ones, especially his Jimmy Cedric, surrounded him. As I watched him in the bed I could remember all of the times he had helped me. I knew that we would want to say good-bye to his family one last time. As I hugged him one last time I could see that he was still making sure I was okay. He is my hero and I will always miss him.

On March 7, 2008, my grandpa passed away at 8:00am. Even though he may not be with me here on Earth, I can still share what my hero taught me. He's not only a hero or a grandpa. He was also a man who could be counted on. Through his writings, boy scouts, and love, I can show my friends and strangers what it means to be a hero. My grandpa showed me a hero doesn't have to be famous or rich. He showed me that hero's could come to us as family too. A hero needs to be looked up to and admired. My great-grandfather, Donn Ashcroft, was a true hero.

** My brother is my best friend. I am so thankful for the laughter and insight he brings into my family. I can see his personality in his writing. I was always jealous of his relationship with our great-grandfather, but I can see that he was someone he truly loved. James may not always share his emotions, but he is a sensitive human being with a lot of potential and love for the people around him.

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