Thursday, August 19, 2010


A lot has been running through my mind lately. I usually have one or two HUGE questions ripping through my heart at a time. I wish I had all of the answers to help the people in this world, but I don't. I am constantly reminded of the fact that we are all brothers and sisters sharing one Earth. The older I get the more I see the separation of people. What we really need to realize is that everyone must help! We need to find a balance. We need to stop killing and all of this hatred. I don't know how the human population came to the conclusion that it's normal to build barriers of hatred.

This picture, which was found on google, represents our world. It is diverse in the sense that it combines many colors. Each tone works together to create a beautiful artwork. There are no perfect lines-- aka life. The colors blend together and co-exist. What an amazing experiences a pair of eyes can get after discovering the curves and direction of each line. It is truly fascinating.

I hope that someday people stop dehumanizing one another. We have to realize that every person has a family and a heart. We need to lose words like discrimination and segregation from our vocabulary. Each person is beautiful and has a lot to contribute to the needs of society. We need to stop judging and assuming that we know everything... Just give it all to God.

I think, or at least I pray, that everyone believes in peace and life.


We love because he first loved us. If anyone says, "I love God," yet hates his brother, he is a liar. For anyone who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not seen.

-1 John 4:19-20

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